Carbon Footprint Calculator
To track your progress in reducing your household carbon emissions year by year, you first need to know what your carbon footprint is today.
Help is at hand with a very simple to use Carbon Footprint Calculator available on the website. You can calculate your annual emissions using the tabs on the website and then compare your results with others profiles.
They also have a range of projects available where you can offset you carbon emissions for the benefit of the developing world where the average lifestyle generates nowhere near to our typical household emissions in Churt.
As an aside, did you know that the richest 10% of people create over half of global carbon emissions
and since a net worth of $93,170 U.S is enough to make you richer than 90 percent of people around the world, anyone who owns a house in Churt is one of that 10%. (Net worth, or “wealth,” in this case is “the value of financial assets plus real assets (principally housing) owned by households, minus their debts.”)