A Quiet Space
Churt Parish Council owns two packets of land adjoining each other. One amounting to about 5acres is registered to the Parish Council and the other 7 acre plot, though owned by the Churt PC has never been registered. This houses the site of the Old Churt Cricket Ground which was in use until about 1920. Now that the click of cricket ball on cricket bat is only heard at the Recreation Ground, we would like to turn this space/spaces into a safe, quiet, environmentally sustainable and diverse area for adults and children to walk and quietly exercise or learn about nature and the environment or about traditional country crafts such as coppicing or hedge laying.
We want the limited wildlife currently living in the predominantly Scots Pine woodland to continue to enjoy their habitat whist we enhance it with the addition of more light and biodiversity.
We firstly need to finalise registration of the 7 acre plot and if successful we can progress with a 12 acre plot. If not we can still proceed with the 5 acre plot already registered.